Vocational School Near Teterboro, NJ
Residing in or near the Teterboro area and on the search for a high end vocational school? Trust in CDE Career Institute as a choice that can assist in your training and learning for your desired profession. CDE provides the services of preparing people for jobs that are entry level, as well as learning strategies about career advancement, and receiving various certifications to make yourself stand out from other applicants when applying for jobs. Our vocational school has amazing staff with unique methods of learning that will provide a lively environment for everyone involved to learn and thrive!
Computerized Office Assistant
CDE Career Institute includes a computerized office assistant program for individuals in the Teterboro, NJ area. Our programs give high level preparation skills for students for entry level office based careers including, Receptionists, Bookkeeping Assistants, Office Clerks, and much more! The CDE program starts at 9:30AM as it is geared for students who want to work in an office setting. If you are looking to be in an office assistant program in the Teterboro, NJ area, contact us at CDE Career Institute today!
Come visit our location near Teterboro, NJ or call us today (866) 259-8219 for more information about our Computerized Office Assistant Program
Our Programs:
- Computerized Office Assistance
- Phlebotomy Technician
- Accounting Fundamentals
CDE Career Institute: The Best Option
CDE Career Institute provides our students with the tools needed to sharpen their skillset. Our campus located near Teterboro, NJ is ready to give you the knowledge necessary to succeed. Don’t wait around any longer. Contact CDE Career Institute, and gain additional knowledge today!