Vocational School Near Allentown, PA
When researching a school that can assist you with learning the many facets that go into an entry level position to launch your career, choose CDE. If you are within proximity of Allentown, PA and are looking into the medical field as your specific focus, CDE provides a wide variety of medical based office jobs. The latest career path option we have made is the Medical Transcription and Insurance Specialist program. Not only will you get an in-depth understanding of the field you will be potentially joining but you will have access to top instructors in that field with years of experience that will give guidance and expertise into being a successful individual in your role. As a result of these learning styles and following a 9AM-5PM class schedule, you have the opportunity to stand out in the applicant pool. Come learn with CDE if you are in the Allentown, PA area today. The path to your professional career is just one click or call away.
Medical Billing Specialist
The latest addition to the medical field teachings at CDE is the Medical Transcription and Insurance Billing Specialist program. The main focus of the Medical Transcription and Insurance Billing Specialist program is to provide a well structured training in the skills that are critical in the medical field . Specifically focusing on the ability to understand the processes of medical transcription, insurance billing, insurance coding, and health record management in an office setting. If you are within proximity of Allentown, PA and want to embark on a professional career in the medical field but need some guidance, reach out to us today!
Stop by our location near Allentown, PA or contact us today (866) 259-8219 for more information about our Medical Billing Specialist program!
Our Programs:
- Medical Billing Specialist
- Medical Field Office Occupations
- Phlebotomy Technician
- Accounting Fundamentals
CDE Career Institute: The Best Option
CDE Career Institute provides our students with the tools needed to sharpen their skillset. Our campus located near Allentown, PA is ready to give you the knowledge necessary to succeed. Don’t wait around any longer. Contact CDE Career Institute, and gain additional knowledge today!